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Programs : Program Search (results)

Following is the list of programs based on the search criteria. Click any program name to view details or to apply.
You searched for Outgoing programs within any term, having (Administrative Lead equal to 'ACES'), that is in the region of Europe, sorted by Program Name in ascending order.
Program search results
Program search results
Program Name  City Country Region Save/Share
ACES/FAA: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Exchange) Alnarp Sweden Europe
Umea Sweden Europe
Uppsala Sweden Europe
ACES: Illinois in Paris (IPP) Paris France Europe
ACES: Illinois in Vienna Program (Exchange) Vienna Austria Europe
ACES: KU Leuven in Belgium (Exchange) Leuven Belgium Europe
ACES: Pre-Vet Program at University of Glasgow in Scotland Glasgow United Kingdom Europe
ACES: University College Dublin in Ireland (Exchange) Dublin Ireland Europe
ACES: University of Bristol in the United Kingdom (Exchange) Bristol United Kingdom Europe
ACES: University of Copenhagen in Denmark (Exchange) Copenhagen Denmark Europe
El Purpan in France (Exchange) Toulouse France Europe
Faculty-led Program: ACE 398/RST 199 - Recreation, Sport, and Tourism Economics in Croatia (All Majors Can Apply) Dubrovnik Croatia Europe
Lovran Croatia Europe
Split Croatia Europe
Zagreb Croatia Europe
Faculty-led Program: ACES 298 - Sustainable Food Systems in Italy (All Majors Can Apply) Rome Italy Europe
Faculty-led Program: AGCM 398 - Communicating Irish Agri-food to the World Dublin Ireland Europe
Faculty-led Program: ETMA 199 - Italian Construction Methods: Past, Present, and Future (All Majors Can Apply) Trento Italy Europe
Nutritional Sciences at UniLaSalle in France (Exchange) Beauvais France Europe
Perrotis College in Greece Thessaloniki Greece Europe
Resources Management in Agroecosystems at UniLasalle in France (Exchange) Beauvais France Europe
Summer at University of Stirling in Scotland Stirling United Kingdom Europe
Summer Study and Intern at EI Purpan in France (Exchange) Toulouse France Europe
Summer Study and Intern at Perrotis College in Greece Thessaloniki Greece Europe
Summer Study and Intern at True Spanish Experience in Spain A Coruna Spain Europe
Cuenca Spain Europe
University of Stirling in Scotland (Exchange) Stirling United Kingdom Europe
Wageningen University and Research Centre in The Netherlands (Exchange) Wageningen Netherlands Europe